Our news
Press release: Federal government wants significant citizen participation in offshore wind energy – SeaCoop is making it happen
This decision makes Belgium the offshore leader in Europe in implementing the European directives on renewable energy…
“The added value of citizen energy to the energy transition”
On 28 November 2022, we attended the presentation of REScoop Flanders and REScoop Wallonia of the conclusions…
The launch event in a nutshell
SeaCoop, the new Belgian cooperative social enterprise for wind turbines in the North Sea, was officially inaugurated…
Press release: Offshore energy in citizens’ hands via SeaCoop
In these times of energy crisis, one model has proven that it can provide both price stability…
SeaCoop launch event
33 Belgian citizens’ cooperatives for energy founded SeaCoop cvso to give citizens the opportunity to participate economically…
Founding of SeaCoop cvso
On 15 April 2022, 33 Belgian citizen cooperatives founded SeaCoop cvso. SeaCoop is a cooperative social enterprise…