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SeaCoop launch event
33 Belgian citizens’ cooperatives for energy founded SeaCoop cvso to give citizens the opportunity to participate economically in offshore wind turbines and to use that energy at home. The launch event will take place on Wednesday 15 June 2022.
During the afternoon programme, speakers representing different perspectives will explain the importance of direct citizen participation in offshore wind in accelerating the energy transition. Luc Pauwels, energy expert with Flemish public broadcaster VRT, will moderate the conference.
Conference. The importance of #citizenoffshorepower
- 2:00 pm – Welcome with coffee
- 2:30 pm – Tender consultation state of affairs, An Stroobandt, Cabinet Minister of Energy Tinne Van der Straeten
- 2:50 pm – Making work of energy democracy now, Dirk Holemans, Oikos
- 3:10 pm – The role of citizen cooperatives in the energy transition: Balancing a decentralised and renewable supply with an adapted demand, Michel Huart, ULB
- 3:30 pm – Energy from and for citizens, Koen Schoors, Ghent University
- 3:50 pm – Citizen participation in the tender procedure via energy communities; Philippe Awouters, Director SeaCoop
- 4:10 pm – Panel discussion
- 5:15 pm – End and walk together to Restaurant Albert
Official launch event
- 5:30 pm – Welcome
- 5:45 pm – Origin and mission of SeaCoop, Tom Willems, Chair SeaCoop cvso
- 6:00 pm – Social added value of energy communities in the energy transition, Walloon Minister of Energy and Climate, Philippe Henry
- 6:15 pm – The importance of citizens in the energy transition, Stefaan De Rynck, Head of the Representation of the European Commission in Belgium
- 6:30 pm – The citizen as co-owner of our national pride: wind turbines at sea. Federal Minister of Energy, Tinne Van der Straeten
- 6:45 pm – Extended reception