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“The added value of citizen energy to the energy transition”
On 28 November 2022, we attended the presentation of REScoop Flanders and REScoop Wallonia of the conclusions of their two studies “Added value” and “Barriers” on direct citizen participation in offshore wind farms.
The interaction with the audience was an occasion to brainstorm together on the findings of the studies:
- Which is the most interesting added value
- Which barriers need certainly to be removed?
- And how can direct citizen participation contribute to eliminating energy poverty?
The presentations that provided input for the discussion can be found on these pages:
- The presentation of RESET.Flanders: “The energy transition will be social or it won’t happen at all – A just energy transition“
- The two COP21 studies: “Added value of direct citizen participation in offshore wind farms vs mere financial participation” and “Barriers to direct citizen participation in offshore wind farms and conditions for fair competition”.
The full reports of these two studies (in French) can be found on the following pages:
- Added value of direct citizen participation in offshore wind farms versus mere financial participation
- Barriers to direct citizen participation in offshore wind farms and conditions for fair competition
- Word of welcome by Philip VAN GINDERACHTER – Project finance and renewable energy financing KBC
- The energy transition will be social or it won’t happen at all – A just energy transition – Karel PYPE, RESET Flanders
- Added value of direct citizen participation in offshore wind farms vs mere financial participation – Fabienne MARCHAL, citizen cooperative Cléf scrl
- Barriers to direct citizen participation in offshore wind farms and conditions for fair competition – Fabrice COLLIGNON, REScoop Wallonia
- Round table and dialogue with the public: What can citizens contribute if they organise themselves, and what should the facilitating framework be?
Conversation participants:
Annemie VERMEYLEN – secretary general of Belgian Offshore Platform
Benjamin WILKIN – manager of Énergie Commune
Leen SMETS – energy poverty expert SAAMO
Tom WILLEMS – chair SeaCoop cvso
- Closing word – Bert VAN LOON – Cabinet of Federal Minister of Energy Tinne Van der Straeten
- Reception, offered by KBC
Jointly organised by RESET.Flanders, REScoop Flanders and REScoop Wallonia, with the support of Associations21 and EnergieCommune.